"I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” Mother Teresa
You can make a difference in the lives of our parish’s teens!
Interested in Volunteering?
Youth Ministry volunteers’ main job is to help create a safe and welcoming environment for the teens. Other duties include loving them as who they are, knowing, and caring for the teens, helping them to know and care for each other, lead them to a deeper relationship with God, His Church, and St. Laurence parish.
Volunteer requirement
18 and over out of high school
Safe Environment Training (provided)
Servanthood and joyful heart
Love for the Church
Current Opportunities
Catechist (Mondays 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.)
Ministry Coordinators below - (Once or twice a year)
Liturgy (Prayer and Worship) Coordinator
Evangelization Coordinator
Justice and Service Coordinator
Leadership Development Coordinator
Pastoral Care Development Coordinator
Event (Community Life) Coordinator
Communications Coordinator
Other Ways to Serve
Prayer Warriors
Small Group Leader
Event Sponsors
Transportation (to events)
Ministry of Presence
Food Ministry
Welcoming Coordinator
Supply and Snack Coordinator
Please contact us for details and questions!